A tiny situation made me wonder about a very important topic: I commented on a facebook post, where a guy bullied a successful athlete and fitness trainer. He wrote that this guy changes his mind all the time and two years ago he was claiming something else than today and his words are crap, because he changes his mind often. He was offensive.
My first thought was, a) why are you following him at all and b) what is wrong with changing our minds?
So I decided to answer to his comment, by simply saying, that it’s rather sad if you don’t change your mind over time. And he was rude to me too..what a surprise.
This made me think: Shall we always stick to our opinions? If we never change our mind, how can we grow? If we always stick to the same opinion, does that mean that we don’t let new insights in?
If I think of my world view from 2, 5, 10 years ago – I can pretty sure say, that I am a different person today. And I will be a different person in a month, a year, 10 years. Maybe even in a moment, if I decide so. I’m training myself daily to have a completely flexible mind. My opinion also can change depending on my mental state: sometimes I’m angry and my thoughts (and sometimes words) can be rude, but then I reflect and change my mind. This is the FREEDOM we have.
If I can relate to to someones opinion – I’m always happy to adapt a new view and change my mind about any topic, if it serves me more, than my previous opinion.
I LOVE constantly changing my mind because to me it means a definite growth and new impressions regarding lifestyle, nutrition, health, relationships and everything else. To me it’s a sign that I’m alive, flexible and open.
What are your thoughts on this?
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